
Live Demonstration Chinese Brush Painting by Zhong-hua Lu

Live Demonstration Chinese Brush Painting by Zhong-hua Lu

As part of Downtown Schenectady's Art Night for November, New York Folklore will host a live painting demonstration by Zhong Hua Lu. His current exhibit, Yellow Mountain Journey, depicts the region of China through the medium of Chinese brush painting. We invite you...

Cooking Up Community at the Hudson Library

Cooking Up Community at the Hudson Library

Observe cultural food demonstrations led by locals sharing recipes brought to Hudson from around the world, and enjoy a taste! This month, Sonia Cintron will show us how to cook Puerto Rican arroz con gandules (rice with pigeon peas) and Wendy Kanel will demonstrate...

Cooking Up Community at the Hudson Library

Cooking Up Community at the Hudson Library

Observe cultural food demonstrations led by locals sharing recipes brought to Hudson from around the world, and enjoy a taste! This month, Sonia Cintron will show us how to cook Puerto Rican arroz con gandules (rice with pigeon peas) and Wendy Kanel will demonstrate...

Metal Art Demonstration

Metal Art Demonstration

Monica and Lenin are artists and asylees from Ecuador, the cities of Ambato and Quito respectively, both are of Quechuan heritage (indigenous community of South America). Lenin is a master craftsman of leather and metals like silver and copper, his education began as...

Chestnut Roast at Oakdale Beach

Chestnut Roast at Oakdale Beach

New York Folklore is excited to continue its partnership with the Hudson Library to present a Chestnut Roast at Oakdale Beach. Join Arthur’s Point Farm Manager, Emerson Martin, to learn all about the ecology and use of chestnut trees while enjoying a toasty treat of...

Exhibit Reception for Hattitude!

Exhibit Reception for Hattitude!

Join us on September 14th from 4:00 - 6:00 for a reception for "Hattitude! The Hats of Louise Hughes Rolling" with curator, Vicie Rolling.  The daughter of the millener, Louise Hughes Rolling, Vicie will give a presentation on her mother and her mother's work as a...

Cooking up Community: Jamaican Curry Chicken

Cooking up Community: Jamaican Curry Chicken

Observe cultural food demonstrations led by locals sharing recipes brought to Hudson from around the world, and enjoy a taste! In August, Paulette Clark will show us how to make Jamaican Curry Chicken. No registration required.  All are welcome. This program is a...

Cooking Up Community: Salvadoran Pupusas

Cooking Up Community: Salvadoran Pupusas

On May 24th at 6pm María Romero of Casa Latina will demonstrate Pupusas, originally from El Salvador, María has been a resident of Hudson for the last 20 years.  She started cooking and making pupusas (thick corn tortillas that can be stuffed with various fillings,...

Cooking Up Community: Congolese Mikates

Cooking Up Community: Congolese Mikates

On April 26th at 6 pm Pamela Badila will demonstrate Mikate, a Congolese dessert, also known as puff-puff in western Africa. These beignets come with mango sauce and mint leaves. Contrary to New Orleans beignets, the Mikate are made with just flour and sugar and...

CANCELLED ……  Crazy Quilt Trunk Show by Betty Pillsbury

CANCELLED …… Crazy Quilt Trunk Show by Betty Pillsbury

THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELLED. PLEASE CONTACT US FOR FUTURE OPPORTUNITIES Betty Fikes Pillsbury, award winning quilter and historian of the Crazy Quilt -  a late 1800’s American fad – will be the presenter at a March 25, 2023 Crazy Quilt Trunk Show at New York...

Albanian Food Demonstration

Albanian Food Demonstration

This free demonstration of traditional Albanian food by Vera Kita, will take place on March 19th at 1 pm at Noteworthy Resources (930 Broadway) in Albany, NY. The demonstration will feature Byrek, a stuffed pastry which can be savory or sweet. Byreck is eaten...