Space and Place


[T]he sounds from our surroundings carry many stories: the rivers’ roar in spring; the brooks’ summer babble; the songs of chickadees, jays, and white-throated sparrows; the call of the loon; the chilling howl of coyotes; and the mysterious, everchanging voices of the trees.


Community anchors – the organziations that communities create in response to the conditions in whih their members live – are incubators for vibrant cultural activity and are critical to the cultural ecology of American cities. The authors identify three organizational typologies – religious institutions, social clubs and mutual aid societies, and small businesses.


The New York Community Garden movement which began in the 1960s spawned over 800 community gardens by the 1980s. Today, community gardens comprise the subject and sites of intense public debate.


“Community Anchors” are described as cultural landmarks that have an effect on the city’s economy. The authors discuss Economy Candy, a longstanding business on the Lower East Side of New York, and its role as a community anchor.

Oral History and Urban Renewal: Creating Richer Histories

The author offers an overview of urban renewal in the context of White Plains. He illuminates an eclectic past which requires the recognition of voices that were previously absent from the historical record in order to create a richer, more instructive set of materials for people to consult.


The 2016 “People’s City Report Card,” detailing both positive actions and threats to New York City places.