
An Open Invitation to My Downstate Friends

Varick A. Chittenden


Chittenden, Varick. “Upstate: An Open Invitation to My Downstate Friends.” New York Folklore, vol. 40-3-4, 2014, pp. 12-17.


Just as those of us who live up north like to protest that “there’s more to New York than New York City,” I like to say there’s more to Upstate than wild rivers and rugged mountain peaks. There’s plenty going on culturally as well.... pancake breakfasts during maple syrup season, fish fries during Lent, chicken barbecues all summer long, harvest dinners in the fall, and chicken and biscuit suppers and spaghetti dinners in the winter months. There are outdoor events all year long—maple festivals in the spring; firemen’sfield days, fireworks, parades, and county fairs in the summer; college homecomings and hunting club gatherings in the fall.

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