
The Heart Has Reasons: Dutch Rescuers of Jewish Children during the Holocaust by Mark Klempner

Kevin Rogan


Rogan, Kevin. “Review: The Heart Has Reasons: Dutch Rescuers of Jewish Children during the Holocaust by Mark Klempner.” New York Folklore, vol. 39: 1-2, 2013. p. 47.


The Heart Has Reasons profiles 10 rescuers with whom [the author] Klempner met, and the book’s greatest strength is that—in true folk spirit—it allows each rescuer to tell his or her own story. Klempner doesn’t filter or paraphrase anyone, and there’s no reason he should want to. After all, these are feisty, colorful individuals who defied Nazi brutality to save the lives of Jewish children. They possess unique voices, full of humor and anger and life; being able to hear each one is a privilege...

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