Remembering Karyl Denison Eaglefeathers

A link in the chain of New York Folklore

Ira McIntosh


McIntosh, Ira. “Karyl Denison Eaglefeathers: A link in the chain of New York Folklore.” New York Folklore, vol. 39:3-4, 2013. pp. 38-40.


Karyl Eaglefeathers made significant contributions to the preservation of the folklore and culture of New York State, and the Catskill Mountains, in particular... Her research involved ethnomusicology, folk heritage, and museum studies....Communities around the region still benefit from her work documenting traditional dances and fiddling styles and facilitating the mentoring of a new generation of dance callers and musicians through the Catskills Folk Connection, an organization she founded along with fellow folklorist Virginia Scheer in 2006.

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