Fieldwork, Memory, and the Impact of 9/11 on an Eastern Tennessee Klansman:

A Folklorist's Reflection

Trevor J. Blank


Blank, Trevor J. “Fieldwork, Memory, and the Impact of 9/11 on an Eastern Tennessee Klansman: A Folklorist’s Reflection.” New York Folklore, vol. 35: 3-4, 2009. pp. 23-27.


I wish to share a personal account of my first folkloristic encounter: the series of events that led to my choice of a career in folklore. While many folklorists may recall their excitement and fascination with their first informants and the unique narratives or artifacts that they produced, my tale involves near-accidental fieldwork in the company of a less-than-savory group in American society: the Ku Klux Klan (KKK).

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