Evaluation of Petrifaction Legends in Turkey in Terms of Cultural Heritage and Tourism

Hasan Bugrul


Bugrul, Hasan. “Evaluation of Petrifaction Legends
in Turkey in Terms of
Cultural Heritage and Tourism.” New York Folklore, vol. 40-3-4, 2014, pp. 32-39.


Petrifaction legends told in Turkey are one of the most interesting subjects that draw our attention. Although the legends are said to be stories that have been told over a long period of time with no proof of existence, the legends told in Turkey about these rocks are so logical and authentic that whoever experiences them find themselves deeply affected. When having a look at the map of the petrifaction legends told in Turkey, you realize how common they are, especially in the east, southeast, and northeast of Turkey. The bride, groom, bride and groom, camel, dragon, and wedding procession rocks are the elements integrated with the petrifaction legends. Both listening to the legends from the local people and seeing the related rocks can be a good opportunity for visitors who are interested in cultural heritage. In this study, we have tried to draw attention to the petrifaction legends told in Turkey and the related elements (rocks) in terms of tourism. It is hoped that it will contribute to Turkish culture and tourism.

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